Federal Air Marshal jailed over ATF’s fake silencer charges

by Lee Williams David Schieferle, who spent 20 years as a U.S. Air Marshal, served

SPECIAL REPORT: ATF lied to convict sailor now serving 20 years in prison for selling legal gun parts

by Lee Williams Patrick “Tate” Adamiak never sold a single real firearm—not one—even though he

Officer fired after shooting driver with his own handgun

by Lee Williams The Second Amendment Foundation has a high bar for stories involving police

Joe Biden commutes sentence of Leonard Peltier, who murdered two FBI agents 50 years ago

Author interviewed Peltier behind bars 25 years ago. By Lee Williams Former President Joe Biden

President Trump should help destroy the ATF

by Lee Williams President Donald Trump’s election victory was made possible by millions of gun

An in-depth look at our incompetent president’s antigun actions  

by Lee Williams If you actually knew Joe Biden before he took the nation’s highest

To abolish the ATF …

by Lee Williams Representatives Eric Burlison (R-MO-07) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO-04) on Tuesday introduced H.R.

Washington State gun shop owner discusses state charges he faces  

by Lee Williams Our national right to keep and bear arms is not a second-class

What ATF’s latest raid – two flashbangs but no arrests – says about the agency’s future

by Lee Williams                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ATF Special Agent Katie Rottman, a public information officer in Baltimore, claimed the


by Lee Williams Mark “Choppa” Manley is a gun owner, a gun collector and a