SAF was founded in 1974 by Alan Gottlieb with a unique and innovative vision for its time – building the necessary foundation to bring a case addressing the Second Amendment to the Supreme Court through scholarly pursuits, public education programs, publications, and legal action.
Since its inception, SAF has been the leader in the legal arena, having participated in over 260 different legal actions, leading to the continued defense, restoration, and expansion of the right to keep and bear arms throughout the United States.

Gathering Like-minded Individuals
Raising the bar for those admitted to the Bar, in the mid 1970’s, SAF held the inaugural Legal Scholars Conference – an annual event, that has evolved from its inception, into a place where scholars and the leaders in Second Amendment Litigation come together to analyze recent court decisions and share ideas and strategies to adopt to ensure a sustainable foundation to further future victories. In 1986, SAF, along with CCRKBA, held the first annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC), a gathering of individuals interested and/or involved in national, state, and local pro-gun organizations, allowing for the free exchange of ideas and collaboration of strategies, while recapping the prior year’s wins and losses in the legislative and legal worlds. Both of these Conferences continue to this day, drawing esteemed scholars, such as Stephen Halbrook and Bob Cottrel, litigators, and state groups, such as California Rifle and Pistol Association, Connecticut Citizens Defense League, Florida Carry, Illinois State Rifle Association, and Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus from all over the country.

SAF has also been responsible for the publication of numerous educational materials, including books, newsletters, and journals. These materials include the Journal on Firearms and Public Policy, the Gottlieb-Tartaro Report, and the Second Amendment Foundation Reporter.
With 50 years of experience, SAF continues to lead the field in contributions to preserving our right to keep and bear arms through its work.