Oklahoma gun dealer raided by ATF takes plea, but serious questions remain

by Lee Williams Russell Fincher needed three jobs just to provide for his family in

ATF Director grilled about Malinowski killing during heated Congressional hearing

By Lee Williams ATF agents cut off the electricity to Bryan Malinowski’s Little Rock home

Dem bill would prohibit civilians from purchasing, possessing Level III body armor

by Lee Williams New York Democratic Congresswoman Grace Meng wants to make it easier for

Your civil rights shouldn’t depend on your address or your judge

by Lee Williams The American tradition of home gunsmithing was not specifically codified in the

Pro-gun safe firearm storage nonprofit in serious financial crisis

by Lee Williams The small Pennsylvania-based nonprofit Hold My Guns® describes itself as “for gun

ANALYSIS: ATF agent who killed Little Rock airport executive will likely walk

by Lee Williams It appears no one will be held criminally accountable for ATF’s botched

Doctors citing fake mass-shooting data to justify questioning patients about guns

by Lee Williams Fake mass-shooting data has infected the medical community for a long time,

South Carolinian faced 115 years in prison until ATF admitted they got the wrong man

by Lee Williams Wednesday, December 13, 2023, began just like any other workday for Bryan

Arkansas Attorney General suddenly mum about fatal ATF raid

by Lee Williams Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin is the top law enforcement officer in

Arkansas Senators: ATF did not use bodycams during fatal SWAT raid

by Lee Williams Arkansas Republican Senators Tom Cotton and John Boozman are pushing for answers