Bloomberg lauds the Gun Violence Archive for its pretend data  

By Lee Williams Whenever Bloomberg Businessweek writes about firearms or the Second Amendment it’s forced

Florida police officials vow to stop illegally seizing ammunition from the public

By Lee Williams Last April Fools’ Day, a 61-year-old Miami man had a defensive gun

Special Report: How Florida Sheriff’s Office, prosecutors botched a 2021 murder case   

by Lee Williams Despite what the media wants you to believe, not all murders are

New Yorker with questionable credentials trying to stop unlicensed carry in Florida

by Lee Williams New York native Christopher McClenic says he founded the Stop Permitless Carry

How to fix the damage Joe Biden has done to the Second Amendment

by Lee Williams The Biden-Harris administration has done more harm to the Second Amendment than

NY Times targets Lake City for making ammo used in mass shootings

by Lee Williams The actual shot-callers behind the Biden-Harris administration’s war on guns and the

ATF ignoring machinegun-toting thugs, will ban legally owned ARs instead

by Lee Williams More than 500 people have been shot and killed in Chicago this

The Trace tries to clarify its story, still claims to be journalists

by Lee Williams Tali Woodward, Bob Woodward’s daughter and editor-in-chief of Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda

The Trace interviews less-lethal gun maker by claiming story is for tech magazine

by Lee Williams The Trace – former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda

2023 will be a banner year for the ATF, unfortunately 

by Lee Williams The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will set a record