SAF’s Capture the Flag initiative was envisioned to challenge Red Flag Laws that deprive individual’s of their Right to Keep and Bear Arms based on evidentiary standards that offend constitutional notions.
The Initiative’s inaugural case, Willey v. Brown, was filed in Maryland on August 22, 2023. Donald Willey, a decorated Marine Corps combat veteran was victimized by Maryland’s lax evidentiary standard required for the issuance of a temporary extreme risk protection order, and as a result, deprived of his Second Amendment rights stemming from a vindictive County official’s determination to punish him. The case is still ongoing.
If you have been subjected to an extreme risk protection order, risk protection order, or emergency gun violence restraining order in California, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Washington, please use the form below to contact us.
Please note, SAF staff members will try to review your submission as quickly as possible, however, our ability to provide assistance is limited by our mission, resources, and current legal commitments.
If you have an upcoming court date, please contact an attorney to represent your Second Amendment rights, as we cannot guarantee you will receive a response within an expedited time frame. Receipt of your submission or correspondence related to such does not constitute a promise or intent to represent you in any legal capacity. An attorney-client relationship only exists if SAF, or one of our attorneys, has explicitly agreed to represent you through a signed agreement detailing the terms of such relationship.