BELLEVUE, WA – Alan M. Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, will join attorney Alan Gura and Chicago resident Otis McDonald on the steps of the United States Supreme Court on Monday, June 28 to hear the court’s ruling in the historic McDonald v. City of Chicago gun rights case.

This important challenge to the Chicago handgun ban was mounted by the Second Amendment Foundation, Illinois State Rifle Association and four Chicago residents, including Mr. McDonald, for whom the case is named.

”It is important for us to be at the Supreme Court when the ruling is handed down,” Gottlieb stated. “This could be a landmark ruling that incorporates the Second Amendment to the states, which will truly make the Second Amendment the ‘law of the land,’ and thus bolster state constitutional right to bear arms provisions.

“I want to be there, representing the 650,000 SAF members and supporters, because this will be their victory,” he added. “Our members have generously supported this legal effort, and they will have earned it.

“I also want to join Otis McDonald, whose courageous challenge of this handgun ban, along with co-plaintiffs Adam Orlov, and David and Colleen Lawson, made this case possible,” Gottlieb said. “And certainly, I will want to stand with Alan Gura, whose skillful management of this case as it rose through the lower courts and finally was accepted for review by the high court laid the foundation for what we believe will be a victory for gun rights.”

Meanwhile, Richard Pearson, executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, will also meet with reporters at the Hotel Allegro, 171 West Randolph Street, in Chicago following the high court’s ruling.