BELLEVUE, WA – “With a track record like Barack Obama has on health care, we don’t want the president getting involved in gun care or firearms safety.”

That’s the message being sent today by the Second Amendment Foundation. SAF has launched a satirical website – – to bring attention to a serious concern within the firearms community.

SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb has paraphrased the president’s own words about his so-called “Affordable Health Care Act” – which have proven to be to false – to underscore the genuine mistrust firearms owners have toward the administration.

“If you like your gun, you can keep it, period,” says the satirical website. “If you like your gun, no one is going to ban it, period.”

“Unless it’s an ‘assault style’ handgun, rifle or shotgun, or can accept a standard capacity magazine,” the message continues.

“You have nothing to fear from Obama Gun Care. You may register all your guns at,” readers are advised.

“No one can hack into the side, with the exception of NSA, FBI, ATF and of course, Attorney General Eric Holder.”

While the message is tongue-in-cheek, Gottlieb said visitors are given the opportunity to sign a petition and make a genuine donation to SAF, which will help support the organization’s legal and educational programs. SAF now has more than 20 legal actions in in progress, all designed to win back firearms freedom, one lawsuit at a time.

“Don’t let Obama do to our gun rights what he’s done to our health care,” Gottlieb said.