BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today announced the launch of its first online store, aimed at generating additional revenue to help fund its continuing legal challenges to excessively restrictive state and local gun laws across the nation.

This new venture comes on the heels of SAF’s Supreme Court victory in McDonald v. City of Chicago, and a successful Gun Rights Policy Conference in San Francisco late last month. SAF will use the online enterprise to build its legal action war chest. Currently, SAF is engaged in legal actions in Maryland, North Carolina, New York’s Westchester County, and again in Chicago. Other challenges are on the horizon.

“The simple fact is that lawsuits cost lots of money,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “The more we have in the way of funding, the more aggressive we can be. We’re a nation of laws, and many of our laws are constitutionally questionable in the wake of the McDonald ruling. We need to challenge those laws in court and strengthen our Second Amendment protections.”

With more than 8000 items in the store, the core focus is on firearms accessories, logo apparel and Second Amendment-related books, movies and media. According to SAF Store management, many more items will be added to the assortment in coming months.

Suppliers and manufacturers who are Second Amendment friendly are encouraged to contact the SAF Store administration to discuss how to have their products added to the store.

“Everyone knows what a boycott is,” Gottlieb said. “We’re unveiling a venue for gun rights activists to start a ‘BUYcott.’ By shopping on-line with the SAF Store, gun owners can directly support critical Second Amendment legal actions and be part of our effort to restore gun rights one lawsuit at a time.”

The store is on-line at: Among its many features is a newsletter to advise customers of special discounts, coupons, promotions and new products, and a “wish list” will be added in time for the upcoming holiday shopping season.