Joe Biden and the Taliban agree – no one needs a gun

On Monday throughout Kabul, teams of Taliban terrorists started going door-to-door searching for our former allies, young girls

Susan Rice is the real puppet master behind Biden’s war on guns

Joe Biden got lost in the bushes outside the White House Wednesday, after returning from

Liberal ‘news’ website publishes lies about the Second Amendment Foundation, 11 Republican Senators who oppose Biden’s ATF nominee

The American Independent is a website that claims it is the “No. 1 digital platform

The Daily Beast skewers NRA over low gun-safety enrollment – during the height of the pandemic!

More than 33 million children have learned about gun safety through the National Rifle Association’s

Debunking the New York Times Mexican lawsuit story and its anti-gun narrative

by Lee Williams The New York Times has seized upon a lawsuit filed by the

Bill would stop U.S. Capitol Police from operating in Florida

Florida State Rep. Anthony Sabatini is worried about the politicization of American law enforcement –

The rise of an American secret police force

Law enforcement is a state right. Our founders knew that concentrating too much power in

Special Report: The Gun Violence Archive and its scaring of America

When most Americans hear the term “mass shooting,” they picture a crazed gunman stalking the

Bloomberg’s anti-gun activists now writing ‘news’ stories for USA TODAY

Earlier this month, I wrote a story that showed how USA Today had partnered with

Leaked ATF report: Private gunmakers are criminals, terrorists and violent extremists

If there is any federal agency that can be counted on to create a problem