The truth about Florida State Guard’s special operations unit

By Lee Williams When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he was “reactivating” the Florida State

The ATF Director and his mysterious 75-round clip

by Lee Williams It turns out Joe Biden’s second choice to lead the ATF, Steve

More anti-gun groups fabricating mass-shooting data

By Lee Williams There were 648 mass shootings in 2020, according to the Gun Violence

How Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention is directing the war on guns

by Lee Williams The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention has become a significant

Black History Month: Celebrating Black Second Amendment scholars

By Lee Williams The tradition of arms for Black Americans has always been different. “Black

White House wants schools to gaslight parents about guns

by Lee Williams The White House wants to enlist school officials to help hoodwink parents

OPINION: The true intent of the Democrats’ anti-militia bill is to infringe on firearm training

by Lee Williams As a law-abiding citizen of this great country, I can form my

New anti-gun group hopes foreign lawsuits will increase domestic gun control

by Lee Williams In what may be a sign of growing desperation, a new anti-gun

Johns Hopkins: More gun control needed to prevent second civil war

By Lee Williams A recent report by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions, which is

Special Report: How a Pennsylvania Sheriff became a gun control patsy

Disclaimer: The Second Amendment Foundation filed suit against Montgomery County Sheriff Sean Kilkenny and the