Worth v. Harrington

Worth v. Harrington

United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit

Previously: United States District Court for the District of Minnesota – Docket No: 0:21-cv-01348

Filed: June 7, 2021

Status: Active

Minnesota generally bars the carrying of handguns by ordinary citizens in public for self-defense unless they first acquire a permit. Minnesota law further provides that no license shall be issued to an individual under the age of 21 years-old. As a result, Young Adults (ages 18-20-years-old) are unable to acquire licenses and are barred from exercising their right to bear arms outside the home. 

The Second Amendment’s plain text, as informed by this nation’s history and tradition, reveals that prohibiting the bearing of arms by Young Adults is constitutionally impermissible. There were no colonial or founding era laws that restricted the rights of Young Adults to keep and carry arms. 

On June 7, 2021, the Second Amendment Foundation filed suit, along with two other civil rights organizations, and three individuals. The lawsuit asks a federal court to declare that the ban violates the Second and Fourteenth Amendments and enjoin the Defendants from enforcing the ban.

Case Team: Blair Nelson, David Thompson, Peter Patterson, and Will Bergstrom

Case Documents


To access all of the case documents at the District Court, please visit the docket.

To view documents filed on appeal, please visit the Court of Appeals docket.

Case Media